4 young children pop their heads through holes cut from a piece of blue fabric, resembling the sea


A site-specific production commissioned by the LIFT for Out of Lift in 1996.

Puppetry, performance and installation art for under-fives.

Houseworks was a ground-breaking piece of theatre for young audiences. Set in an old house in Brixton, where every room was a different world, the audience was greeted by Ernie, an old man puppet, who then welcomed them into his house.

Small groups were guided around the building and as the house revealed its secrets, the children were engaged in each room by puppets, performers and installations.

Houseworks was performed in London (1996) and Belfast (1998).

“Release your imagination and these places will surrender rewarding secrets”.

Sunday Times


Creative Team

Sue Buckmaster


It is cheering to see a visionary work that respects the power of the young imagination. As one tot exclaimed as we went on our journey: ‘This house is alive'.
The Guardian
The legendary Houseworks, a show that would certainly make my list of desert island experiences.
Lyn Gardner, The Guardian
2 puppeteers stand in a doorway. An old man puppet sits on the shoulders of one, while the other manipulates the puppets arms
Theatre-Rites’ Houseworks is a mix of avant-garde art installation and puppet theatre. It’s also a refreshing, fun hour of entertainment and exploration for kids.
Terry Jones (Monty Python), The Standard

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